Google+ Салаты рецепты с фото: Potato salad with pickles

четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

Potato salad with pickles

Potato salad with pickles

For the preparation of 4 servings of salad you will need:500g potatoes (preferably young), 2 pickled cucumber (brackish, drain the brine), a small bunch of green onions, a few sprigs of parsley, a bit of black and red pepper.Potatoes should be washed thoroughly to give it to him for a while and soak then rinse under running water and wipe dry with a towel trying not to damage the skin, boil for a couple and you can use a clean gauze (no double boiler), tying her pan filled with water without bringing its level before loading potatoes in a single layer of gauze trying to ready the tip of a sharp knife to ease penetration potatoes which means readiness potatoes. Ready to cut the potatoes with the skins circles (so that it does not stick to the knife blade can moisten with water). Add to the potatoes previously ground and mixed together cucumbers and onions sprinkled with pepper to taste and mix gently. The resulting mass before being put in a bowl and garnish with fine herbs and stock removal of the remaining parsley. Salad potato salad with pickles is ready! All enjoy!

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